Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eyes wide open...

Ok, I want you to know that I am not going into this daydreaming about hours alone or watching tv all day. I realize that I may get sick to death of seeing my house and it's 80 year old cracks and creaks, it's grubby bathtub, persistently clanky iron radiators, weedy lawn...
I think I am going into "staying at home" eyes wide open.
I know about being lonely in a house all day even though you are surrounded by kids, I know about getting tired of talking baby talk and wanting to see something on the tv besides Wow Wow Wubzy or Backyardigans.
Regardless, I'll take my chances.
I also know some of my weaknesses...say for example not being a real 'structure' person. Luckily, I recognize that and I try to impress it on myself regardless of the fact it doesn't come natural. There are numerous websites that can offer assistance (a few of which I will put at the bottom on this blog entry) if you are willing to make some changes. I truly admire my homeschooling mom are amazing!
Also, I don't like to clean. You may be surprised. You may think a stay at homer must have a innate desire to clean, clean, clean. No. I think that it actually is an assumption a lot of folks make that is not true. I am going to have to really figure that one out won't I? (advice please?)
I would like to ask you alll: How do you get it all done? How much of a structure do you use? Any tricks to chores?
Here are those links I promised...God bless!

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